Youth at Rockpalast (04/07/96). WDR-television in Germany
transmited a full concert of Sonic Youth in Dusseldorf. They
played these songs: Teenage Riot, Bull in the Heather, Starfield
Road, Washing Machine, Junkie's Promise, Saucer-Like, Becuz,
Sugar Kane, Skip Tracer, Skink and The Diamond Sea. Camera work
was done very professionally. This is the best recording of a
Sonic concert I have seen so far. The other bands at Rockpalast
were: Smashing Pumpkins, Cypress Hill, Garbage and some others
that my 4 hour tape could not contain anymore. Recently I have
also found out that a CD bootleg of this concert has been made.
Unpublished, recorded at (04/14/96). 1h17m