Fields of Sonic Love. Songs on this video are: Death Valley'69,
Shadow Of A Doubt, Beauty Lies In The Eye, Addicted to Love,
MacBeth, Teen Age Riot, Silver Rocket, Providence, Candle, Silver
Rocket(TV), I Wanna Be Your Dog(TV), Schizophrenia(T&C), I
Wanna Be Your Dog(T&C). TV= taken from 'Night Music'.
T&C= Town and Country. This is your chance to own those
videos MTV will never play. The recording quality is a bit poor
at times and gives a somewhat amateurish impression, but then
again this is early DIY stuff. So, buy if you like Sonic's old
stuff. Watch out for those bonus bits. (Who are those kids at the
end?) published by Geffen Home Video (GEV-39550).