1. Don't think you wanna way up in the sky that is where am i i breathe the thin air i like it way up there in a bunch of trees i'm down on my knees i know what you are i know what you are i don't think you wanna mess around up there angels in the skies watch you with their eyes they know what you are they know what you are everything i say comes back to me one day everything you do comes back to stare at you 2. The day i went away all the things i tried to tell you on the day i went away do i always have to leave for you to want me here to stay couldn't you just tell me you'll miss me all those things we never say i remember what it's like there- towns that drive me far away. 3. A real man don't you wanna feel it inside they say that it feels so nice all girls should have a real man should i buy it? i don't wanna i don't wanna join yr club i don't want your kind of love if you had it in your thighs you'll see that it feels so nice "you wait, you'll cum every time" i'm not that dumb i don't wanna 4. Her again i don't know what you mean i wasn't there that day i didn't see a thing i'm just a normal girl i am in that hole where you left me there both body and soul i am filled with all those sick things i am getting out of here i'm her again i didn't say that thing it didn't mean a thing i wasn't there that day i don't know what you mean 5. How to play dead do you want to hurt me go ahead and try- you're feeling sick, you poor thing clean up your little mess then i'll suck your dick (didn't i tell you it wasn't fun) you want to show me how to play dead how to be still how to please you if i don't give you just what you need it hurts you (i'm such a tease) you're just a boy who likes to whine i'm gonna choke can't feel a thing you say go deeper you like it when i scream and then you tell me i'm so good- i won't suck your big ego and swallow all my pride i'm spitting out your memory and stains you left inside of me i'm sick of being full of what you fed me what I choked down- i'll show you how it feels to be dead how it feels to be held still how i wish you were dead. |
6. Be yr mama hold on to it hold on to it make you better i made you better you're inside me i'm your mommy i know what is going on here i always make you so stronger can't you see that i need to can't you see that i need to yeah hold on to it you hold onto me fix it for you i fixed it for you but i don't wanna be yr mama just a little more is what i wait for 7. Sold out (for m.m.) sold out do do you want it on a magazine cover take it it's my body take it i want money diamonds are a girl's best friend wanna be a star watch me go nowhere suckin on his dick fuck it i want money diamonds are a girl's best friend (i know what you want from me) sold out do do you want it on a magazine cover take it it's my body uh uh i don't wanna ![]() 8. The last song this song your song is the last song that i'll ever do about you. for me cuz your games are through i won't thinkiwon'tbreatheiwon't closemyeyestodream i'd starve you right out of me if i knew what else to eat you said this would be the last time you'd hurt me you said this wouldbethelasttimeidcry last time i didn't know howwasi supposedtoknow this time i found it i know how to scream IDONTOWEYOUANYTHING IMNOTAPARTOFYOU YOUCANTTAKE AWAYEVERYTHING IMNOTAPARTOFYOU i need you out of me before i turn into you i can't stand to look at you until you remember everything i can't be whatyouarewhat youthinkwhatyoudo i know what it means when i look at you thistimeimlooking and telling on you-canyoufeelme coming after you canyoufeelme right behind you canyou hearme telling on you-this time i don't feel bad for all these things i've said this time i want them to know what you did. |