Sonic Youth EP
Confusion is
Kill Yr Idols
Bad Moon Rising
Made in USA
Daydream Nation
Jet Set,
Trash and
No Star
Washing Machine
A Thousand
Youth EP
1. The Burning Spear
2. I Dreamed I Dream
3. She is not Alone
4. I don't want to push it
5. The Good and the Bad
1982 -
12" EP/CS on Neutral (Neutral 001)
1982 - 12" EP/CS on Zensor (ND 01)
1987 - 12" EP/CS/CD reissued on SST (SST097)
1. The Burning Spear
I'm not afraid to say I'm scared
In my bed I'm deep in prayer
I trust the speed I love the fear
The music comes
The burning spear
2. I Dreamed I Dream
Look before you leap, okay?
Do you read me?
May all your dreams come true
He's standing by the door
He's got something in his hands
All the money's gone
All the money's gone
The days we spend, go on and on
Fucking youth
Working youth
May all your dreams come true
A lot of people suffer
From impotence
All the money's gone
The days we spend go on and on
Fucking youth
Working youth
Fucking youth
Working youth
Fucking youth
Fucking youth
Working youth |
You slept
Did I drift?
Do I dream?
Do you read me?
I'm not speaking
Do you read me?
I dream
I dream
Sound today are you sound today
are you sound today?
Sound today are you sound today
are you sound today?
These things don't happen
I dream
Edith moves each step
Fucking youth
The days we spent go on and on
I dream
Do you read me?
3. She Is Not Alone
She is not alone
She is not alone today
She is not alone
She is not alone today
She is not alone
She is not alone today
She is not alone
To... day
4. I Don't Want To Push It
You gave your line
You fell in love
You feel the shadow
There's no more to borrow
There's no more to steal
And no more to feel
I know I know I know
I know I know I know
I know I know I know
You fell in line
You fell in jail
You feel in the shadow
To live in the light
To die in the night
I don't want to push it
I know I know I know
I know I know I know
I know I know I know
5. The Good And The Bad