Thurston Moore
Kim Gordon
Lee Ranaldo
Steve Shelley
Chan Marshall
La Fayette Street, New
York City
      The Story of the Sonic
Youth - The Late 80's
The Late 80's are the peak
period of Sonic
Youth's independent period. Both Sister
and Bad Moon Rising are highly regarded.
Schizophrenia, the opening track of Sister,
has a haunting quality to it. The experience
of playing together has made the sound
tighter but also richer. It's been suggested
that Sister was influenced by the writing of
Philip K. Dick (author of Blade Runner).
Lyrically the album certainly seems to make
use of more complex imagery although the
themes are still the same. The rich guitar textures that
make up Sister are even more predom-
inant on their next release Daydream Nation.Technically
it is seen as a masterpiece of exper-
imental guitar playing. Thurston, Lee and Kim all seem
completely comfortable expressing
their own views within a solid musical framework. DDN was
released as a double album on
Blast First records.During this period Sonic Youth also
recorder Ciccone Youth's The Whitey
Album together with Gregg Ginn and Mike Watt. 1988 also
saw the release of the Master=
Dik EP, a highly experimental record which never had much