Thurston Moore
Kim Gordon
Lee Ranaldo
Steve Shelley
Chan Marshall
La Fayette Street, New
York City
      The Story of the Sonic
Youth - The Late 90's
As their final release of the
90's Sonic
Youth produced A Thousand Leaves for
Geffen. It mixes tunes that are quite easy
to listen to with some highly experimental
tracks. Making it difficult to predict the
bands future development. Their mastery of
of soundscaping is at such an advanced
level that the predominant musical format
(3-5 minute songs) doesn't allow the band
to express their abilities. Unfortunately this
makes it hard for the band to reach a wide
audience, as the time people take to consume a piece of
information seems to get ever shorter.
Artistically the band is widely regarded as being of
great influence on the music scene over
the past two decades. Perhaps Sonic Youth will be
regarded as the greatest band never to
make it big. It's doubtful though if they would have had
the same influence if their development
would have put them into a position where they did have
mass appeal. Fashions by nature
change over time and many of the most popular
band of five years ago are nowhere to be
seen or heard of today. The audience who appreciates
Sonic Youth will be able to enjoy
the fruits of their labour for many more years to come.